Yesterday I got a lot done and was pretty busy the whole day. During the afternoon I started to have Braxton-Hicks contractions. No big deal, I have them all the time. But then I started to have more than I was supposed to. I called my doctor just to let her know, expecting that she would tell me to lie on my side and drink juice ( pretty much the answer to everything). But she told me to come into the hospital so that they could put me on the monitor. I am 35 weeks, so still a little early to be having this baby.
Isaac was on his way home because he knew I was having too many contractions. When he walked in the door I told him that we needed to head to the hospital. For the first couple of seconds he didn't believe me. But we got ready and went. He sped the whole way. This whole time I am having contractions (they don't hurt, they are just uncomfortable). We get up to labor and delivery, I get all dressed up in the beautiful hospital gown, they hook me up to the monitors, and the contractions stop. Of course. I felt really silly and hoped the nursed didn't think I was making things up. But they monitored me for a while and nothing happened so they told me I could go home. The minute I got up I had 3 contractions in 3 minutes!
So I was in false labor, but they did check me and I am dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced. That is ok at 35 weeks but I just have to take it easy. I am so happy that he didn't come last night. I think the biggest disappointment was that Isaac and I were planned to go to Vegas to see my brother and his wife for Thanksgiving and now we can't :(
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
So my friend Rachel tagged me in her Honest Scrap Award post. We are supposed to reveal 10 facts about ourselves and be completely honest about it. Here is goes.
1. I hate not having a job. Isaac and I decided that I should quit my job at a daycare early because two little girls got the swine flu and I was exposed to it. I didn't want to take any chances of getting it because I am pregnant. So I quit a month early and I hate it. I don't like that I know I could be making money and helping our situation but I am not. I also don't like how bored and lonely I get. I think it will better once Diego comes cause I will have someone to take care of, but until then I kinda feel like I am going crazy.
2. I love to go to arcades. They are kinda nasty and filthy, but I find them so much fun. I think I have a gambler's personality. If I had money to blow I would play arcade games for hours.
3. Making dinner is one of my least favorite things to do. I don't know if anyone else feels like this, but most of the time it is so hard for me to figure out what the heck I want to fix. I even worry and stress about it most days. I am not one of those persons who can just whip something up and it is good, I have tried to make experimental things before and they were not that good. It is just something I don't like to do. It seems like such a chore to me.
4. I expect to much out of others and not enough out of myself. Sometimes I find myself getting so frustrated with my primary class because they don't listen or pay attention. I don't even think how maybe they are little kids and need extra patience. And then most times I never expect anything out of myself. I find it so hard to get motivated about anything. I want to learn Spanish cause Isaac speaks it and I want Diego to speak it but I put no effort into it but expect to know it.
5. Rach, I feel the same way. I miss Utah. I also don't miss the cold and the snow, but I really miss having people my own age in my own situation. Here in California I am so far away from any family and don't really have any friends. I have friends but I hardly ever do anything with them because I feel like if I were to call them to do something I would just bother them or get rejected. I seriously am trying to be more out going, but lots of times I just sit at home.
6. I am so done being pregnant. When I was younger and not pregnant, I always thought it would be so cool to be pregnant and that I would just love it. No so. Don't get me worng, I already have so much love for Diego and can't wait to hold him in my arms, but I really don't like being pregnant.
7. While I miss Utah for the friends I had there, I really love living in So Cal. It is so beautiful and clean and not cold. I really feel like I could live here for forever and be perfectly happy.
8. I love cold cereal. I would eat it all the time if I could. I am actually quite a picky eater. If I find something I like, I stick to it. It is hard for me to venture out and eat new things. I figure if I like something why change. There is a lot of that in me about a lot of things, not just food.
9. Lately I my desire to be more giving and generous has really increased. We have been given so much and been blessed beyond measure (seriously) that I really just want to help people. We attend a ward where lots of the members are very poor. Some of them rent rooms cause they cannot afford apartments and live with 4 or 5 people in a room. Some of these members have to live with people who do not have the same standards as they do and it is quite sad. I was actually thinking about buying a house and a part of it to people in our ward so that they could live in a better atmosphere. I don't know if it would ever happen, but I was thinking about.
10. I worry about a lot of things. I know I need to take things as they come, but I don't. I think I find things to worry about if everything is good. I want to change this about myself because it is not good for me or the baby and I would have easier time coping with bad things if I just chill out.
So there are the 10 honest things about me. So I am going to tag Francesca, Mary K, Alicia S., Heather M., Shauna G., Rethsy, Julie E., Leanna, and Emmy.
1. I hate not having a job. Isaac and I decided that I should quit my job at a daycare early because two little girls got the swine flu and I was exposed to it. I didn't want to take any chances of getting it because I am pregnant. So I quit a month early and I hate it. I don't like that I know I could be making money and helping our situation but I am not. I also don't like how bored and lonely I get. I think it will better once Diego comes cause I will have someone to take care of, but until then I kinda feel like I am going crazy.
2. I love to go to arcades. They are kinda nasty and filthy, but I find them so much fun. I think I have a gambler's personality. If I had money to blow I would play arcade games for hours.
3. Making dinner is one of my least favorite things to do. I don't know if anyone else feels like this, but most of the time it is so hard for me to figure out what the heck I want to fix. I even worry and stress about it most days. I am not one of those persons who can just whip something up and it is good, I have tried to make experimental things before and they were not that good. It is just something I don't like to do. It seems like such a chore to me.
4. I expect to much out of others and not enough out of myself. Sometimes I find myself getting so frustrated with my primary class because they don't listen or pay attention. I don't even think how maybe they are little kids and need extra patience. And then most times I never expect anything out of myself. I find it so hard to get motivated about anything. I want to learn Spanish cause Isaac speaks it and I want Diego to speak it but I put no effort into it but expect to know it.
5. Rach, I feel the same way. I miss Utah. I also don't miss the cold and the snow, but I really miss having people my own age in my own situation. Here in California I am so far away from any family and don't really have any friends. I have friends but I hardly ever do anything with them because I feel like if I were to call them to do something I would just bother them or get rejected. I seriously am trying to be more out going, but lots of times I just sit at home.
6. I am so done being pregnant. When I was younger and not pregnant, I always thought it would be so cool to be pregnant and that I would just love it. No so. Don't get me worng, I already have so much love for Diego and can't wait to hold him in my arms, but I really don't like being pregnant.
7. While I miss Utah for the friends I had there, I really love living in So Cal. It is so beautiful and clean and not cold. I really feel like I could live here for forever and be perfectly happy.
8. I love cold cereal. I would eat it all the time if I could. I am actually quite a picky eater. If I find something I like, I stick to it. It is hard for me to venture out and eat new things. I figure if I like something why change. There is a lot of that in me about a lot of things, not just food.
9. Lately I my desire to be more giving and generous has really increased. We have been given so much and been blessed beyond measure (seriously) that I really just want to help people. We attend a ward where lots of the members are very poor. Some of them rent rooms cause they cannot afford apartments and live with 4 or 5 people in a room. Some of these members have to live with people who do not have the same standards as they do and it is quite sad. I was actually thinking about buying a house and a part of it to people in our ward so that they could live in a better atmosphere. I don't know if it would ever happen, but I was thinking about.
10. I worry about a lot of things. I know I need to take things as they come, but I don't. I think I find things to worry about if everything is good. I want to change this about myself because it is not good for me or the baby and I would have easier time coping with bad things if I just chill out.
So there are the 10 honest things about me. So I am going to tag Francesca, Mary K, Alicia S., Heather M., Shauna G., Rethsy, Julie E., Leanna, and Emmy.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
It has been awhile since I posted anything, mainly cause I haven't felt like it. However, there have been some happenings down here in SoCal that are worth mentioning.
So as many people know the H1N1 has been going around while there has been a short supply of vaccines. I was on the fence about getting a vaccine, but my dr. recommended it, so when it made avalable, I was going to get it. Then when I went to work one day, the director of the daycare told me that two of the girls that I take care of had the swine flu and that I had been exposed. AHHHHH!!!! That was on a friday. On Saturday I spent half the day trying to find out where I could get the vaccine. It turned out that no one had it except a Kaiser Hospital. If you are not a member you can't get the vaccine. I am not a member. Then we heard that some dr.'s were not recommending it. That made me and Isaac uneasy because so many different health professionals had so many different views. I talked to my brother, who is a doctor, and he told me what he did. He works with kids on a daily basis and he did not get it because he believes it needs to be tested on more people to really see the effects. After a long, long discussion and a lot of prayer, Isaac and I decided that it would be best if I quit my job. I didn't want to get the vaccine, and even if I didn't get the swine flu, the kids at the daycare are always sick and I get sick too. That puts stress on me and Diego which is not good. There was only one more month until I was going to quit anyways so we just moved it up. So now I am unemployed and staying at home taking care of myself and my baby.
So because I am now staying at home, I am trying to get as many things ready for Diego as possible. I have set up the crib, in the process of cleaning and disinfecting our whole apartment, etc, etc, etc. Isaac and I are also taking birthing classes which I love! I think they are so much fun, plus Isaac massages my back for part of it. It is great!
Besides that I am just trying to be patient and wait until Diego comes, which is super hard I might add. I want to hold him NOW! But I am at 32 weeks, so only 5 more to go until he is considered full term. Hopefully he will decided to make a sooner debut than a later one :)
So as many people know the H1N1 has been going around while there has been a short supply of vaccines. I was on the fence about getting a vaccine, but my dr. recommended it, so when it made avalable, I was going to get it. Then when I went to work one day, the director of the daycare told me that two of the girls that I take care of had the swine flu and that I had been exposed. AHHHHH!!!! That was on a friday. On Saturday I spent half the day trying to find out where I could get the vaccine. It turned out that no one had it except a Kaiser Hospital. If you are not a member you can't get the vaccine. I am not a member. Then we heard that some dr.'s were not recommending it. That made me and Isaac uneasy because so many different health professionals had so many different views. I talked to my brother, who is a doctor, and he told me what he did. He works with kids on a daily basis and he did not get it because he believes it needs to be tested on more people to really see the effects. After a long, long discussion and a lot of prayer, Isaac and I decided that it would be best if I quit my job. I didn't want to get the vaccine, and even if I didn't get the swine flu, the kids at the daycare are always sick and I get sick too. That puts stress on me and Diego which is not good. There was only one more month until I was going to quit anyways so we just moved it up. So now I am unemployed and staying at home taking care of myself and my baby.
So because I am now staying at home, I am trying to get as many things ready for Diego as possible. I have set up the crib, in the process of cleaning and disinfecting our whole apartment, etc, etc, etc. Isaac and I are also taking birthing classes which I love! I think they are so much fun, plus Isaac massages my back for part of it. It is great!
Besides that I am just trying to be patient and wait until Diego comes, which is super hard I might add. I want to hold him NOW! But I am at 32 weeks, so only 5 more to go until he is considered full term. Hopefully he will decided to make a sooner debut than a later one :)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Can't wait
This video is a brief introduction of a Book of Mormon film. Yes, it looks like its going to be equal with the cheese level of the Book of Mormon movie released not too long ago with the Lehi who sports a cardboard beard, but this one is the entertaining kind of cheese. What do you think?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Noteworthy Notes
Isaac and I have had an exciting week. Well maybe not exciting, but busy. Full of meetings and appointments etc etc etc. On Sunday our branch became a ward! Yahoo! It was really cool be a part of it and feel the of the spirit there. Also Isaac was set apart as the Elder's Quoram Pres. He will do a great job because his heart is in the right place and he is so willing to serve others.
As far as the pregnancy goes, I am 27 weeks. I feel great most of the time, but lately I have been feeling more and more like a balloon or a whale than a person. I really am not that big, but it is bigger than what I am used to and so it feels werid. We get to go and get another ultrasound next week and that will be exciting. Those are always fun.
On the 30th my job at the LDS Employment Center is up so again I am looking for a job. Blah. I still have my one at the preschool, which is tons of fun, but way far away.
So that is about it.
As far as the pregnancy goes, I am 27 weeks. I feel great most of the time, but lately I have been feeling more and more like a balloon or a whale than a person. I really am not that big, but it is bigger than what I am used to and so it feels werid. We get to go and get another ultrasound next week and that will be exciting. Those are always fun.
On the 30th my job at the LDS Employment Center is up so again I am looking for a job. Blah. I still have my one at the preschool, which is tons of fun, but way far away.
So that is about it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I've been meaning to post for a while, but never got around to it. We have just been so blessed lately and I have just wanted to share. However, I cannot get over the fact that I would not know if these precious things are being shared at appropriate times when they can be appreciated or if you would laugh, or go, "Pppsssshhhhhh, I get blessed like that all the time." So, this will have to be enough for now:
We are SO...VERY blessed,
Kara is SO...VERY special,
Thank you FOR READING...this blog
We are SO...VERY blessed,
Kara is SO...VERY special,
Thank you FOR READING...this blog
Thursday, September 10, 2009
24 Weeks!
Isaac and I went to the dr. yesterday for my 24 week check up and the Dr. told us that I am offically in my third trimester! She explained that timewise 28 weeks would be the start of my third trimester, however from an OB/GYN's point of view 24 weeks is the first week that the baby can survive outside of the womb if it was born. That me happy, cause sometimes I get so impatient waiting. I just want to hold my baby! I can feel him move more and more and it just makes me impatient. But I know that he needs to stay in the oven a while longer. *Sigh* We also found out that we get to have two more ultrasounds just for fun! That is always exciting to see him.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
It's a Boy!
We got our second ultrasound on Tuesday and we are having a boy! We are going to name him Diego Camacho. We haven't decided on a middle name yet. I want to name him Diego Isaac Camacho, but Diego's daddy isn't too keen on the idea. However, I think that I will be able to convince him since I am the one carrying the baby for 9 months :) Besides Isaac is such a good name.
Besides discovering that our baby is a boy, we found out that he is a wiggler! The doctor had a hard time finding his heartbeat cause he was moving around so much. Then the ultrasound confirmed it, he was all over the place! The ultrasound dr. couldn't measure how long he was because Diego was folded in half kissing his knees.
The day after the ultrasound I started feeling Diego move a lot more. It is pretty cool. The movements are not strong enough for Isaac to feel them yet, but I am sure they will be soon cause our baby boy is big! The doctor said that the average weight for this week should be around 10 oz. Diego is 13 oz! I am just praying that he won't be a 9 or 10 pounder like I was.
I am now showing to the point of not being able to hide it, but we haven't taken any belly pictures yet. However, I will post some in the near future.
Besides discovering that our baby is a boy, we found out that he is a wiggler! The doctor had a hard time finding his heartbeat cause he was moving around so much. Then the ultrasound confirmed it, he was all over the place! The ultrasound dr. couldn't measure how long he was because Diego was folded in half kissing his knees.
The day after the ultrasound I started feeling Diego move a lot more. It is pretty cool. The movements are not strong enough for Isaac to feel them yet, but I am sure they will be soon cause our baby boy is big! The doctor said that the average weight for this week should be around 10 oz. Diego is 13 oz! I am just praying that he won't be a 9 or 10 pounder like I was.
I am now showing to the point of not being able to hide it, but we haven't taken any belly pictures yet. However, I will post some in the near future.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Rumor has it...
So some rumors have been circulating around that I am pregnant so I have decided to ease every one's mind and put the rumors to rest. :) Isaac and I will have a new addition to our family in Dec!!! We found out the day we graduated from BYU. Happy Graduation to us! I am about 15 weeks along and feel great. I am not showing one bit and actually have been losing weight, but I know that all of that is sure to come later on.
Isaac wants a girl and I want a boy, but I want a girl too. So I will be happy with whatever I get. As far as pregnancy symptoms go, I feel great. Of course I get nauseated a little, but not much throwing up, thank goodness. However, I do have killer heartburn every day. I hear that there is a correlation between heartburn and how much hair your baby has. So more heartburn, more hair. I have come to the conclusion that our baby will have hair down to its toes when it comes out, boy or girl. We find out what it is in about 3 weeks. I will keep everyone posted. :)
Isaac wants a girl and I want a boy, but I want a girl too. So I will be happy with whatever I get. As far as pregnancy symptoms go, I feel great. Of course I get nauseated a little, but not much throwing up, thank goodness. However, I do have killer heartburn every day. I hear that there is a correlation between heartburn and how much hair your baby has. So more heartburn, more hair. I have come to the conclusion that our baby will have hair down to its toes when it comes out, boy or girl. We find out what it is in about 3 weeks. I will keep everyone posted. :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
So Blessed!
Heavenly Father has blessed Isaac and I so much lately. A friend of ours knew a lady who was giving away baby things and told her about us. Last night she came over and gave us a crib, a changing table, a port-a-crib, a rocking chair, a set of crib sheets, baby clothes, and so much more. We are literally being so blessed we do not have room enough in our apartment to receive our blessings.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Cool Kids on the Block
So ever since we moved to California, people want to visit us. It is like we are all of a sudden the coolest kids on the block. Even Issac's partner, who lives in the desert, wants to buy a new house here in San Clemente since we have gotten here. So to any and all, you are more than welcome to come visit the newest coolest people in OC. :)
Still Here
We are safely in California! Hooray. Isaac is working hard and I am hardly working. Actually I am not working at all. I am in the process of finding a job. I wish people would just hire me. No such luck so far.
But things are great. We love our new apartment, but we can tell that we are not in Provo anymore. I would love to keep our front door open more so we can feel the nice weather, however there are a lot of people who like to smoke in our courtyard and it gets in. I can't really stand that smell and neither can Isaac so our door remains shut. We really aren't anti-social! We are still trying to get the feel of our new town. We have a Wal-Mart, but it hardly sells any food. *GASP* So I am looking for a new grocery store that has reasonable prices. I think I need to get into couponing.
So every single night, but one, Isaac and I have walked along the beach. It is great! and so pretty. I love it. We are going to post pictures of what our new apartment and town looks like but we keep putting it off because our house is messy. So once we get it clean, then we will let the world know.
But things are great. We love our new apartment, but we can tell that we are not in Provo anymore. I would love to keep our front door open more so we can feel the nice weather, however there are a lot of people who like to smoke in our courtyard and it gets in. I can't really stand that smell and neither can Isaac so our door remains shut. We really aren't anti-social! We are still trying to get the feel of our new town. We have a Wal-Mart, but it hardly sells any food. *GASP* So I am looking for a new grocery store that has reasonable prices. I think I need to get into couponing.
So every single night, but one, Isaac and I have walked along the beach. It is great! and so pretty. I love it. We are going to post pictures of what our new apartment and town looks like but we keep putting it off because our house is messy. So once we get it clean, then we will let the world know.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Moving On
Isaac and I have moved on from the life of college students. Yes, we finally graduated on April 23! Whoo Yoo!!! It was great. Both of families were able to come to our graduation. The graduation itself was rather boring, but I was glad we did it because Isaac and I got to walk together. We both graduated from the college of Family, Home, and Social Sciences. It is the biggest college in BYU. It took us an HOUR AND HALF to walk. ZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! After graduation we hurried and pack what was left in the shack and left with Isaac's parents to drive back to Texas with them to visit before we go to Cali. The drive was 24 hours straight. I am never doing that again! We didn't stop to sleep or anything. Isaac drove for 14 hours straight through the night. We all pretty grumpy when it was over, or at least I was. So now we are in Texas visiting the fam and worrying about SWINE FLU. That's scary.
So what is next? We are flying back to Utah for Brian and Aimee's wedding! Hooray! Then we will head up to my parents house in Idaho to visit them for a couple of days. That will be fun. Then we are headed on a camping trip with our friends, Jonathan and Alicia, for old times sake. Then finally on to California to work (Isaac) and job hunt (me). I have picture of all of our exciting adventures so far, but don't have them with me, so the viewing of our fantastic trips will have to wait a little bit. Sorry. :)
So what is next? We are flying back to Utah for Brian and Aimee's wedding! Hooray! Then we will head up to my parents house in Idaho to visit them for a couple of days. That will be fun. Then we are headed on a camping trip with our friends, Jonathan and Alicia, for old times sake. Then finally on to California to work (Isaac) and job hunt (me). I have picture of all of our exciting adventures so far, but don't have them with me, so the viewing of our fantastic trips will have to wait a little bit. Sorry. :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
We Have Moved :)
This past weekend Isaac and I moved to California! Too bad that I had to come back :( That is ok cause I have less than a month till I get to move there for real.
I absolutely love it. Isaac did a wonderful, fantastic, superb job in finding an apartment. There are some things that I love about our new apartment:
I forgot to bring my camera when we went so I will have Isaac take it one time he goes down and take pictures so I can post what it looks like.
I absolutely love it. Isaac did a wonderful, fantastic, superb job in finding an apartment. There are some things that I love about our new apartment:
- 4 blocks from the ocean ( we went down there one night and watched whales :)
- It has new carpet
- Big bedroom
- Real cupboards and drawers in the kitchen (our shack had a total of 3 cupboards and 1 drawer)
- All our of furniture fits in it! (it didn't in our las apartment so we had to keep stuff at neighbor's)
- Very peaceful
- The landlady is so adorable and I can already feel what good friends we are going to be :)
- Flowers everywhere outside
- It is walking distance from almost everything I need. Hooray exercise!
- Most of all, Isaac and I will get to be there together.
I forgot to bring my camera when we went so I will have Isaac take it one time he goes down and take pictures so I can post what it looks like.
Sunday, March 22, 2009



As many people know Isaac and I are moving to California after graduation. Now I come from a very small town in Idaho, so moving to California is a little scary. There are things that I am most excited for and things that I am not to stoked about.
- Isaac and I will live in the same state
- Warm weather
- Living 4 blocks away from the beach
- Having a new apartment
- Having so many fun things to do in Cali
- Not having to go to school
- Having a new adventure with Isaac
- Flip-flops being the required footwear
- Having to get a real job
- Traffic
- Living in a big city
- Not knowing anyone in Cali
- How expensive Cali is
- Not being liked cause we are Mormon
- Being far from family
Catching Up
I am finally going to post some pictures of what we have been doing lately.




Our friends (Jon and Alicia) are moving into a trailer that her parents own. They get it for free, but they have to fix it up theirselves. It has been 10 years since someone has lived in that trailer so it needed a lot of fixing up. Isaac went our there one Saturday to help Job fix the plumbing and do other manly things.
When we got up there it was snowing and soooo cold. But those boys toughed it out. They had to get underneath the trailer to fix the pipes. I will tell you what, I could not have done it. It was dirty, cold, dark and cramped under there. They got sooooo muddy. But I think that they had fun.
The other pictures are of my best friends, Emmy and Leanna. They surprised me and came to visit on weekend. We stayed up so late and just talked. It was so good to see them. Emmy is being a human coathanger and Leanna is being cute!




Our friends (Jon and Alicia) are moving into a trailer that her parents own. They get it for free, but they have to fix it up theirselves. It has been 10 years since someone has lived in that trailer so it needed a lot of fixing up. Isaac went our there one Saturday to help Job fix the plumbing and do other manly things.
When we got up there it was snowing and soooo cold. But those boys toughed it out. They had to get underneath the trailer to fix the pipes. I will tell you what, I could not have done it. It was dirty, cold, dark and cramped under there. They got sooooo muddy. But I think that they had fun.
The other pictures are of my best friends, Emmy and Leanna. They surprised me and came to visit on weekend. We stayed up so late and just talked. It was so good to see them. Emmy is being a human coathanger and Leanna is being cute!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Life on Hold
So it has been a while since I last posted. Lately I don't really have any news or stories that are post worthy. Isaac is still in Cali and I am still in Utah. I really feel like our life is on hold. I keep waiting to be able to move, waiting to graduate, waiting to get a job, waiting to live in the same state as my husband.
But there are lots of things to keep me busy. My mom is coming down to visit and help me pack this week. I am still working. I am also going to work real hard on indexing. Oh,.... and school. *sigh*.
But exciting news, we are moving all of our material possessions down to Cali the 1st of April and then will have a couple of days there. That is will so much fun. I get to see my new apartment!!!
But there are lots of things to keep me busy. My mom is coming down to visit and help me pack this week. I am still working. I am also going to work real hard on indexing. Oh,.... and school. *sigh*.
But exciting news, we are moving all of our material possessions down to Cali the 1st of April and then will have a couple of days there. That is will so much fun. I get to see my new apartment!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Two More Months!
So Isaac will be in California for almost the rest of the semester :( I can't wait until we can move to Cali. I hate being apart, but am so thankful for the job that Isaac has. I am also so grateful that Isaac takes such good care of me. He found us an apartment!!!!! I am so excited about it, and it is five blocks away from the beach!!! I can't wait to lay in the warm sunshine and be done with snow! I just have to endure it for two more months. That is it. Then I am done with cold, Provo, school, and being without Isaac. Two more months.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Life in Provo
So as you all know Isaac goes to California to work every month. When he was in school he only went a week out of the month. However, now that he is out of school he will pretty much be gone every week until we graduate in April. Because of that I drive to the airport in Salt Lake a lot, twice a week. I don't mind it, I know that route like the back of my hand; but what I do mind is driving on the roads here in Provo! We usually have to leave at 5am to get him to the airport and me back to work in time. Without fail for the past couple of trips, it has been snowing and Provo City doesn't plow or salt their roads.This makes me so upset. I tried to be understanding about it, it is 5am. I tried to be hopeful, but when I came back to Provo at 7am still no plowed roads! The freeway is horrible and slick until you hit Lindon and then it is almost dry! But what really made me upset is when I went to get him this past Saturday. It was 9am! No snowplows were out and it was snowing pretty heavy. I almost slid off the road on Center St. Once again, once I past Lindon, roads were perfectly fine. And get this! When we came back, at 6pm that night, we could tell they hadn't plowed the roads!!!!! This makes me so upset and I am tired of being scared I might have an accident because the city doesn't care to take of of Provo. Provo is becoming more and more trashier to me as I live here. The city just doesn't care about keeping Provo clean and nice. I can't wait to move to California! The city we are looking at moving is small town and Isaac says that it is kept up beautifully!I can't wait!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Cross Country Skiing
Monday, January 26, 2009
Student Housing :(
So on Saturday I was downstairs in my basement, curled up on my big loveseat, reading my book, when I heard the sound of dripping water! I rushed over to the closet that holds the water heater and all the piping and found that the sewer pipe was leaking all over my carpet. GAG! I hurried and got all of our belongings out of the way after shrieking for Isaac to come and help me. He finished moving things and putting a bucket under the leak while I called the landlord. The landlord told us that he was not home but would be home quickly. Two and a half hours later he shows up, bangs on the pipes a little bit and then tells me he will be right back. He never comes back. I call him two hours later and he tells me that the plummer will be at my house at 5:30. The plumber comes at 6:00. *Interjection* Isaac and I have a really old shack with really old appliances. Our shower broke for the third time right before Christmas. We were gone while our landlord fixed it, and when we got home we could hear the sound of running water. We thought our landlord had turned it on. *Back to the flooding story* The plumber comes and listens to the sound of the water and says that the water main is broken which was flooding into the sewer main, which was flooding into our house. GAG! The sewer pipes are also really old and have tree roots in them so something got caught in the roots which caused the flooding in cominbation with the broken water main. I guess on the bright side is that it is not complete sewer water, but still! Our house smelled so bad, like poop. Isaac went to the store and bought lots of deorderizing spray.
I don't know what our landlord is going to do. To fix the real problem will cost about $20,000. In my opinion he will just let the water run. That is fine with me unless it will cause more poop water to flood my basement. But we do have a pretty good landlord. He cleaned up the mess for us while we went to the temple. I am so glad that we will be moving at the end of the semester and actually live in a place where they have to keep it nice.
I don't know what our landlord is going to do. To fix the real problem will cost about $20,000. In my opinion he will just let the water run. That is fine with me unless it will cause more poop water to flood my basement. But we do have a pretty good landlord. He cleaned up the mess for us while we went to the temple. I am so glad that we will be moving at the end of the semester and actually live in a place where they have to keep it nice.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Computers *sigh*
On Martin Luther King Day, Isaac and I went cross-country skiing for the first time. It was a blast. I was so determined to document it and I took my camera and everything. But, since we are poor college students we share and internet connection with two other couples and the signal is not very strong. I tried uploading all of our fun pictures, but the connection kept cutting out. I got frustrated and quit for the moment. So when I get some more patience or a better connection I will put up all my fun pictures.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Old Friends

Today I got an email from my friend Ana. She was an exchange student from Brazil that went to my high school during my senior year. She was such a blast! I loved doing things with her. We randomly went places all the time, we would go to basketball games, shopping, and Wal-Mart all the time. We had Anatomy and Physiology together and we would never pay attention. We even went to Paris after we graduated. I was so happy to hear from her and know that she was thinking of me. It just made me think of all the wonderful people I have in my life who love and care about me. I am so bad at keeping in touch, and that it something I want to be better at. I have so many good friends and have has so many good experiences with them. I think one of my favorite memories that I have with my friends is after a basketball game or going to a movie we would drive to an empty parking lot, crank up the car stereo, and dance. :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Catch Up Time
For Christmas, Isaac and I flew to Texas for two and a half wonderful weeks! We got really spoiled there. His mom made us great food everyday, we slept in everyday and we got to do so many fun things. I faithfully took pictures so I could put them up there. There are some of them:

Me and Isaac on the plane
Christmas Eve in Dallas
Isaac opening Christmas presents (my camera is horrible and takes crappy pictures, but I don't have to worry about that anymore, Thanks Rachael and Brandon!)
We went to the Dallas Zoo and found these crazy elfs.
AHHH! Wild Animals!
Riding a tortoise.
Isaac and his brother, Chelin. This is the last time we will see Chelin before he leaves on his mission to Brazil. (Isaac and Chelin are doing a ranchero pose, very serious).

Me and Isaac on the plane






We also went to Six Flags, which was so much fun. We rode the Titan ( one of the biggest roller-coasters in the world) four times. Surprisingly, we didn't get sick. I usually love roller-coasters, but some reason this time most of roller-coasters scared me. I rode all of them anyways, but I screamed so much I almost gave my self a headache.
Isaac's father bought a housed right before we came, so we spent some time helping him out by priming the walls to be painted. It was a fun and messy job. To thank us, Papa C took us out to eat at buffets for 5 days straight. Needless to say I will be running vigorously this next semester. Isaac doesn't have school so he will have time to run too.
We had a great Christmas break but are glad to be back home at our Love Shack.
Isaac's father bought a housed right before we came, so we spent some time helping him out by priming the walls to be painted. It was a fun and messy job. To thank us, Papa C took us out to eat at buffets for 5 days straight. Needless to say I will be running vigorously this next semester. Isaac doesn't have school so he will have time to run too.
We had a great Christmas break but are glad to be back home at our Love Shack.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Postings coming!
Over the break I could not find a moment to post anything! But I faithfully took pictures of our trip to Texas and all of the happenings there so there is so much more to come! But in a nutshell, we had a really good Christmas and New Year's. We spent two and a half weeks in Texas with Isaac's family. It was so nice down there. One day is reach 84 degrees. It was great, and then we came back to Utah and 2 ft of snow. That was hard. But we are back in Utah. Isaac is done with school and will be working while I finish my last semester. Hooray! Then we will be moving around the beginning of May.
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